The Golden Year – Lynette Ten Krooden

” Looking  back through the mind files of my 60 years as a lonely traveller of this earth, this place  we call HOME, has left me speechless on many occasions, no less now.

Since training as an artist and archaeologist, I have been fascinated with the earth, its formations and the ever changing eco systems which mankind might influence, but never completely destroy or alter. Gaia will always rejuvenate herself…she only needs Time on her side. In the words of Carl Sagan We are a mere tiny blip on a tiny dot  in the vast universe out there and after we have left, Gaia will again go back to restore.

I always say that we should carry a compass on our arms for direction, because we cannot do anything about the universal systems of Time and Space. We are only visitors here; Gaia tolerates us, nurtures us, and gives us the wonderful opportunity to experience her micro and macro cosmos.

Travelling for many years over the deserts, mountains, forests and waters of Africa and The Middle East has made me acutely aware of the erosion and ever-changing evolution of our planet. Rainforests are disappearing; deserts are expanding, even noticeable from the window of a commercial aircraft.

The future of our fragile existence on this planet depends on how humanity deals with the nexus of energy and economics. The essence of  past lives, existing based on breathing and concentrating sunlight, is our legacy. Remembering the miracle of transformation   might make mankind aware of our fragile existence and our engine of consumption.”

Lynette Ten Krooden 2015

It has been a joy to be a part of Lynettes journey over the last 20 years. Her philosophies, humanity and incredible talent have enriched the lives of so many in so many corners of this fragile world of ours. We are proud to call her a colleague and a friend

Happy Golden Year Lynette

Alison Collins 2015
