We are delighted to welcome Nick Bashall back as our January Artist in Residence

Born in England and raised in Zimbabwe, Nick returned to the UK to study law at Cambridge, where he was also a heavyweight boxing blue. A stint in London with one of the big solicitors’ firms preceded six years working in Pakistan and Dubai, saving up the money to study painting full time. He then trained under the Spanish maestro Joaquin Torrents Llado in Majorca for five years before becoming a full time artist in London in 1997 . Working mainly in oils and charcoal, Nick is renown for his ability to get beneath the skin of his sitters. Antecedents as well as descendants appear during the painting process with the finished portrait being something that goes deeper than pure likeness. Below are just a few examples of Nick’s work, more can be seen on his website www.nickbashall.com

Nick has lowered his London prices for Dubai He loves to come here and to give back to a country that helped nurture his creative spirit. His prices include VAT

Charcoals, head and shoulders

Children 8,250 AED

Adults 10,000 AED

Oil Sketches head and shoulders

Children 16,500 AED

Adults 20,000 AED

Groups are also a possibility

Two sittings of around two hours each following an initial “chat” are usually needed to complete a commission. To meet Nick in his studio at The Majlis Gallery and talk through the process please phone Alison on 050 4503853

Click Here to see Nick Bashall Portfolio