Some gifts for you

While we’re not able to visit our wonderful galleries and museums, let the experts bring the learning journey to your home instead! Meet Rose Balston, Art historian and founder of Artscapes UK, a cultural tour company dedicated to enriching lives through education and exploration of the world of art. With a Masters in Art History and 13 years of lecturing, Rose is passionate and engaging; a regular presenter for SkyArts and the BBC, the perfect guide to demystify art for people of all ages. Through these free video talks, Artscapes Home will deliver the best of London’s art and culture straight to you, to inspire, enlighten and lift your spirits. Stay tuned and stay connected with these superb arts and culture talks.

Introducing Artscapes Home

Noli me tangere – Titian

The Deposition from the Cross – Pontormo
Blenheim Palace

Get painting and keep smiling.

Dear everyone we thought that these 4 videos by our very good friend and much loved artist Trevor Waugh would help to fill your days with creativity. Please e-mail us on with photos of your paintings as with your permission we would like to post them on our web site. It’s not a competition but  every week we have a Trevor Waugh signed limited edition print to give to the 3 best efforts. Get your kids painting too.

Watercolour Camels by Trevor Waugh

How to Paint Figures in Watercolour Part 2 Trevor Waugh

Trevor Waugh Oriental Watercolours 2015

Watercolour : From Sketch to Painting

Summer 2015 Workshops

Summer Workshops


With The hotter months upon us we will moving indoors to our dedicated

Annie Sloan Studio

Run By Jen Nolan all workshops are a single day from 10am – 1pm

All materials provided.

Essential Techniques

May 24th, 31st and 14th June.

All you need to know to get started

450 Dhms per day

Techniques Two

May 25th. June 1st and 15th

Including gilding decoupage and stencilling.

500 Dhms per day

900 Dhms if you sign up for 2 courses.

To book a course simply e mail

or Telephone +9714 3536233

Chalk PaintTM can be used in numerous ways to achieve a myriad of colours and finishes.

These workshops will get you hooked into transforming your home into just that “your home”

Developed 25years ago by Annie Sloan a painter, designer and homemaker, author of numerous books,

Chalk Paint has become a bye word globally for all that is easy, fun and creative in redecoration

Spring 2015 Workshops

With the cooler months ahead of us we have planned

some wonderful workshops


Botanical Watercolours with Susan Thomson

Suitable for all abilities as tuition is on a one to one basis

Saturday and Sunday

February 21st. 22nd. 28th and 1st March

Tuesday and Wednesday.

February 24th and 25th

10 am – 1pm All materials provided

Dhms 350 per session


Chalk PaintTM Decorative Paint By Annie Sloan

These amazing paints and waxes can be applied to so many different

surfaces in so many different ways, producing unique finishes and effects

that can transform the dullest piece of furniture into a thing of beauty.

Saturday courses are aimed at taking students through the basic techniques

of applying Chalk Paint to various surfaces, producing textures,

and the effects than can be achieved with dark and light wax.

Sunday courses build on these basic techniques and introduce students

to the use of Annie Sloane gilding methods, decoupage and stencilling.

Whilst there are some recommended ways to use Annie Sloan products,

it is very much up to the individual to develop their own signature and creativity.

If we have enough interest we can run this course on a Saturday afternoon 2.30 – 5.30 pm

Saturday Dates

January 31st.

February 14th.

March 7th. March 21st.

April 18th

Sunday Dates

February 1st February 15th.

March 8th March 22nd.

April 19th

10 am – 1 pm all materials provided 450 Dirhams per session.


To book a course simply e mail or phone us through the links below

We also have good stocks of

Chalk PaintTM Decorative Paint By Annie Sloan

4 tel +9714 3536233

We are supported by


Chalk Paint – Workshops

We will be running lots of Chalk Paint TM  by Annie Sloan workshops at all levels in the New Year. In the  meantime, the paints books and accessories are available at the gallery.


After a very successful season of Workshops the summer heat sees us putting away the paints and brushes until the autumn. We are working on a full program of exciting classes with old favorites such as Trevor Waugh and Paul Wadsworth along with some new ideas such as painting furniture and photography.

DSC_1229[1]Michaels photos 342web











Lynda Shephard is with us again in December

To Book any of these workshops Tel: 04-3536233 or E-mail:















FULL DAY with lunch provided AED 600.


This workshop will explore the emotive and powerful use of colour in abstract art, using watercolours and acrylics. The abstract design will be based on a choice of Arabic motifs found within the vicinity of the Majlis Gallery as well as a variety of Arabian water and coffee pot shapes , beaten copper designs and other examples of geometric based, Islamic motifs. Lynda will work alongside students and help those who feel uncertain of their drawing abilities. The workshop involves sophisticated Colour Theory that is based on the emotive use of colours by the famous artists such as Matisse, Kandinsky and a more contemporary artist Leanne Vernie, who specializes in colour vibrations. The workshop will involve a mixture of taught colour theory, issues around abstract design and technical know-how, including the application of gold leaf. All students are expected to go home with a completed painting by the end of the day.

Beginners as well as more experienced painters are welcome.

Each student should bring:

One piece of large watercolour paper Size: 56cm X 76 cm (22”x 30”) The paper must not weight less than 500 gms. The heavier the paper you can get, the better, Emirates Trading, has an excellent selection of heavy watercolour paper. This paper may be smooth or textured as you wish.

A selection of large and small brushes suitable for both watercolour and acrylic. NOT hard oil painting brushes.

A synthetic bath sponge, not a natural sponge

A tube of relief outliner. This is used for outlining on glass art. Emirates trading will also have this.

A wax candle.

A selection of tubes of watercolour and acrylic paints. Please bring yellow, blue, red, black and white and brown as a MINIMUM range of colour plus any other colours that you love and enjoy using. These could include pearlised or fluorescent colours.

WORKSHOP No 2: Sunday, 14th DECEMBER

MORNING with coffee/tea break AED 350.


Portraiture often causes some concern and doubt with art students. However,Lynda will teach an easy approach to portraiture , based on a system devised by Leonardo da Vinci who deduced that the human face could be divided into a system of halves. As a step by step guide, students will draw their self -portraits and then learn about mixing subtle, transparent colour tints from watercolour paints, to add to the drawing. If you have always wanted to learn how to paint portraits, but a fear of the unkown and a lack of confidence has held you back, this is your chance to learn and overcome that unnecessary fear!

Each student should bring:

A mirror approximately but not less than 30 cm by 40cm. which can stand on the table in front of you (Ikea has lots of suitable mirrors)

A sheet of watercolour paper not weighing less than 140 gms/300lbs and measuring approximately 50cm by 40cm . Paper with a texture is best, rather than smooth. The Bockingford or Langton watercolour paper, sold by Emirates trading is recommended.

A 2B and a 4B drawing pencil with a soft kneadable, putty rubber. (NOT a school pencil rubber as this will damage the surface of your paper)

Watercolour paints tubes and a fine, small and medium size watercolour brushes. The necessary portrait colours will be: Cadmium Orange; Burnt Umber, Alizarin Brown Madder; Burnt Sienna, Rose Madder; Paynes Grey; Raw Sienna; Naples Yellow, Cobalt Blue.

This workshop is suitable for beginners as well as those with some painting experience.

WORKSHOP No 3: Monday, 15th DECEMBER

MORNING with coffee/tea break AED 350.



This workshop introduces students to the basics of watercolour painting and its amazing versatility. Although this workshop is for absolute beginners, those with some experience are also welcome.

Each student will go home with a completed painting. Lynda will assist in the drawing of the bougainvillea for those who do not feel confident enough in their drawing skills. . The approach to the painting will be a wet on wet approach, blending colours from light to dark. The theory of “broken colour” will be discussed and some hints to mix a variety of found in plants and flowers.

Each Student should bring:

A piece of watercolour paper weighing not less than 140 gms/300lbs. And size approximately 40cm x 50cm

A pencil and kneadable rubber. (Not a school pencil rubber as this damages the surface of the watercolour paper).

Small tubes of watercolour paint in the following colours or approximate colours:

Raw Sienna; Lemon Yellow; Naples Yellow; Cadmium Orange; Venetian Red; Cadmium Red; Crimson Lake ; Rose Madder; Cobalt Blue; Paynes Grey; Burnt Umber; Burnt Sienna; Sap Green; Terre Verte ; Hookers Green; Magenta.

WORKSHOP No 4: Tuesday 16th DECEMBER

MORNING with coffee/tea break AED 350.



This workshop is for absolute beginners in watercolour, who have attended the Part I workshop but those with some experience are equally welcome. This workshop is designed to familiarise students with the amazing qualities of watercolour and the unique tools and materials used by watercolourists. Every student will go home with a completed painting. The subject will be a simple still life of tropical fruit and Lynda will assist with the drawings of these for those who lack drawing ability. The approach to the painting will be a wet on wet approach, blending colours from light to dark as well as some more advanced techniques, including masking fluid and gum Arabic. Students will have go home with a completed painting.

Each Student should bring:

A piece of watercolour paper weighing not less than 140gms/300lbs.And size approximately 40cm x 50cm

A pencil and kneadable rubber. (Not a school pencil rubber as this damages the surface of the watercolour paper).

Small tubes of watercolour paint in the following colours or approximate colours:

Raw Sienna; Lemon Yellow; Naples Yellow; Cadmium Orange; Venetian Red; Cadmium Red; Crimson Lake ; Rose Madder; Cobalt Blue; Paynes Grey; Burnt Umber; Burnt Sienna; Sap Green; Terre Verte ; Hookers Green; Magenta.

Lynda Shephard is with us again in December

To Book any of these workshops Tel: 04-3536233 or E-mail:















FULL DAY with lunch provided AED 600.


This workshop will explore the emotive and powerful use of colour in abstract art, using watercolours and acrylics. The abstract design will be based on a choice of Arabic motifs found within the vicinity of the Majlis Gallery as well as a variety of Arabian water and coffee pot shapes , beaten copper designs and other examples of geometric based, Islamic motifs. Lynda will work alongside students and help those who feel uncertain of their drawing abilities. The workshop involves sophisticated Colour Theory that is based on the emotive use of colours by the famous artists such as Matisse, Kandinsky and a more contemporary artist Leanne Vernie, who specializes in colour vibrations. The workshop will involve a mixture of taught colour theory, issues around abstract design and technical know-how, including the application of gold leaf. All students are expected to go home with a completed painting by the end of the day.

Beginners as well as more experienced painters are welcome.

Each student should bring:

One piece of large watercolour paper Size: 56cm X 76 cm (22”x 30”) The paper must not weight less than 500 gms. The heavier the paper you can get, the better, Emirates Trading, has an excellent selection of heavy watercolour paper. This paper may be smooth or textured as you wish.

A selection of large and small brushes suitable for both watercolour and acrylic. NOT hard oil painting brushes.

A synthetic bath sponge, not a natural sponge

A tube of relief outliner. This is used for outlining on glass art. Emirates trading will also have this.

A wax candle.

A selection of tubes of watercolour and acrylic paints. Please bring yellow, blue, red, black and white and brown as a MINIMUM range of colour plus any other colours that you love and enjoy using. These could include pearlised or fluorescent colours.

WORKSHOP No 2: Sunday, 14th DECEMBER

MORNING with coffee/tea break AED 350.


Portraiture often causes some concern and doubt with art students. However,Lynda will teach an easy approach to portraiture , based on a system devised by Leonardo da Vinci who deduced that the human face could be divided into a system of halves. As a step by step guide, students will draw their self -portraits and then learn about mixing subtle, transparent colour tints from watercolour paints, to add to the drawing. If you have always wanted to learn how to paint portraits, but a fear of the unkown and a lack of confidence has held you back, this is your chance to learn and overcome that unnecessary fear!

Each student should bring:

A mirror approximately but not less than 30 cm by 40cm. which can stand on the table in front of you (Ikea has lots of suitable mirrors)

A sheet of watercolour paper not weighing less than 140 gms/300lbs and measuring approximately 50cm by 40cm . Paper with a texture is best, rather than smooth. The Bockingford or Langton watercolour paper, sold by Emirates trading is recommended.

A 2B and a 4B drawing pencil with a soft kneadable, putty rubber. (NOT a school pencil rubber as this will damage the surface of your paper)

Watercolour paints tubes and a fine, small and medium size watercolour brushes. The necessary portrait colours will be: Cadmium Orange; Burnt Umber, Alizarin Brown Madder; Burnt Sienna, Rose Madder; Paynes Grey; Raw Sienna; Naples Yellow, Cobalt Blue.

This workshop is suitable for beginners as well as those with some painting experience.

WORKSHOP No 3: Monday, 15th DECEMBER

MORNING with coffee/tea break AED 350.



This workshop introduces students to the basics of watercolour painting and its amazing versatility. Although this workshop is for absolute beginners, those with some experience are also welcome.

Each student will go home with a completed painting. Lynda will assist in the drawing of the bougainvillea for those who do not feel confident enough in their drawing skills. . The approach to the painting will be a wet on wet approach, blending colours from light to dark. The theory of “broken colour” will be discussed and some hints to mix a variety of found in plants and flowers.

Each Student should bring:

A piece of watercolour paper weighing not less than 140 gms/300lbs. And size approximately 40cm x 50cm

A pencil and kneadable rubber. (Not a school pencil rubber as this damages the surface of the watercolour paper).

Small tubes of watercolour paint in the following colours or approximate colours:

Raw Sienna; Lemon Yellow; Naples Yellow; Cadmium Orange; Venetian Red; Cadmium Red; Crimson Lake ; Rose Madder; Cobalt Blue; Paynes Grey; Burnt Umber; Burnt Sienna; Sap Green; Terre Verte ; Hookers Green; Magenta.

WORKSHOP No 4: Tuesday 16th DECEMBER

MORNING with coffee/tea break AED 350.



This workshop is for absolute beginners in watercolour, who have attended the Part I workshop but those with some experience are equally welcome. This workshop is designed to familiarise students with the amazing qualities of watercolour and the unique tools and materials used by watercolourists. Every student will go home with a completed painting. The subject will be a simple still life of tropical fruit and Lynda will assist with the drawings of these for those who lack drawing ability. The approach to the painting will be a wet on wet approach, blending colours from light to dark as well as some more advanced techniques, including masking fluid and gum Arabic. Students will have go home with a completed painting.

Each Student should bring:

A piece of watercolour paper weighing not less than 140gms/300lbs.And size approximately 40cm x 50cm

A pencil and kneadable rubber. (Not a school pencil rubber as this damages the surface of the watercolour paper).

Small tubes of watercolour paint in the following colours or approximate colours:

Raw Sienna; Lemon Yellow; Naples Yellow; Cadmium Orange; Venetian Red; Cadmium Red; Crimson Lake ; Rose Madder; Cobalt Blue; Paynes Grey; Burnt Umber; Burnt Sienna; Sap Green; Terre Verte ; Hookers Green; Magenta.