June Bartlett – Jan-Feb 2012

Enjoy your workshop from the legendary June Bartlett whose Gulf-inspired work is shown regularly at prestigious galleries in London.

 January 2012 Schedule

Tuesday 24th, January – Drawing the figure and head in pencil and charcoal

Wednesday 25th, January – Drawing the figure and head in charcoal and conte colour

Saturday 28th, January – Urban Landscape in soft pastels.

Sunday 29th, January -Painting and Sketching a portrait in Oils

Tuesday 31st, January – Urban Landscapes in soft pastels.ching and Portrait in oils.

February 2012 Schedule

Wednesday 1st, February – Painting and Sketching a portrait in Oils

Saturday 4th, February – Drawing the figure and head in pencil and charcoal

Sunday 5th, February – Drawing the figure and head in charcoal and conte colour



  1. […] the January workshop? Catch June Barlett’s – February 2012 workshop. Filed Under: Whats New, Workshop Tagged With: jan2012, June […]