Guided by Gaia

A Visual Exploration of a Scientific Hypothesis and our Contribution to the 2014 Art Season, Sikka Art Fair and UAE Green Festival by Lynette Ten Krooden and Daragh Muldowney On Saturday 15th of March The exhibition will continue until 28th of April

The Gaia Hypothesis, also known as Gaia Theory or Gaia Principle proposes that Earth is itself a self regulating complex organism that has the ability to interact with other organic and inorganic substances to maintain and repair itself in optimum condition in order to harbour life.

Man is arrogant enough to see himself as the pinnacle of life on earth and as such has a responsibility to work with Gaia to keep this little blue dot alive and in great shape. If man fails this obligation Gaia will simply remove him.

Lynette ten Krooden

My training as an artist and an archeologist has given me a total fascination with the earth, its formations and the ever changing eco systems. Systems that are often influenced by mankind , but hopefully never completely destroyed or altered by him.  Gaia will always rejuvenate herself…she has time and millions of years experience on her side. We are a mere tiny blib on a tiny dot in the vast universe, after we have left, Gaia will still be restoring  herself.

I always say that we need a compass on our arm not a watch because we cannot do anything about the universal systems of Time and Space. We are only visitors here, Gaia tolerates us, nurtures us and gives us the wonderful opportunity to experience her micro and macro cosmos.

In this show, Guided by Gaia I will be presenting paintings on old damaged recycled vinyl records, discs with both sides painted and presented on acrylic stands. This will be accompanied by paintings of my signature gold leaf, sand and oil technique. The work will focus on the elements of our world, earth and moon, water and stone etc. I will again visit the endless photographs  and notes which I have been gathering over 30 years of documenting and looking at the landscape, while travelling like a modern-day nomad form South Africa to the deserts of the north and  the water landscapes of the south . All the while Guided by Gaia

Daragh Muldowney

Long before I picked up a camera I have felt my eyes being ‘Guided by Gaia’. I have always found a sense of belonging to and connected with nature. I feel extremely fortunate to be able to step into nature’s majesty and be immediately present. I believe there is healing in this process.

If we take a walk on a beach, up a mountain or in a forest there is a feel good emotion that we all get to some degree or another. I believe if we focus on this feeling, meditate on it, we can heighten the moment to a point where it can become a form of therapy.

For me it is the small, all too often overlooked detail that can bring the deepest healing. It is at these moments of pure connection while I stare into beauty that I find I can create my strongest work.

So, armed with a camera I set out to capture my connections with and love of the natural world. I am attracted by sensual lines, vibrant colours, purity and simplicity. My aim is to present imagery that induces a feeling of peace and calm within the viewer, a sense of awe at and responsibility for the world we live in.


  1. […] Currently exhibiting ‘A Visual Exploration of a Scientific Hypothesis’ (I know what a mouthful!) which runs until 28th April, the gallery is featuring ‘Guided by Gaia’ by the artist Lynette Ten Krooden. Ten Krodden exhibit forms part of the exhibits that the gallery are presenting for the 2014 Art Season, Sikka Art Fair and the UAE Green Festival. Read more about Gaia Hypothesis here. […]